Travel with your Pet to Whistler, Canada!
Pet Friendly Whistler!
Travel Information -
Local, Air, Car Travel with Your Dog or Cat
Hiking With Your Dog in the Wilderness
The biggest recommendation is: keep your dog on a leash. Strange as it may seem, the dangers to your dog come from wildlife. And if he isn't on a leash, really, really bad things will happen. Large animals such as bear, deer, elk, moose or cougars are the ones people are often aware of but your dog can suffer serious injury or discomfort if it encounters smaller creatures like a skunk, porcupine, weasel or coyote.
Taking Walks in Winter Weather
Just like people, pets' cold tolerance can vary from pet to pet based on their coat, body fat stores, activity level, and health. Be aware of your pet's tolerance for cold weather, and adjust accordingly. You will probably need to shorten your dog's walks in very cold weather to protect you both from weather-associated health risks.
and more tips on travelling with your dog to Whistler:
Air Travel !
1. Feed and Water Your Pet Before Departure -- The U.S. Department of Agriculture mandates that pets traveling on airlines must be fed and watered within four hours of the flight's scheduled departure [source:]. You'll be asked to sign a waiver that certifies your pet has been given food and water when you check in for your flight. Be early.
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Travel Long Distances by Car !
Prepare Your Pet for Car Travel
It is important that you prepare your pet to travel in your car in advance. If your pet hasn't travelled in a car before, then make sure you take small trips with your pet to the nearby market or park. Most pets will be just fine, but some may suffer from motion sickness or anxiety. Also you should consider getting a crate for your pet. They will be more secure in a crate.
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